Author: admin

2017-2018 Competition Rule Book

The 2017-2018 Competition Rule Book for primary schools is available to download, it is also on the Competition page of the the website. It has all the basic rules for our competitions and events;...

2017-2018 School Games Mark Criteria

The 2017-2018 School Games Mark criteria has now been released. Please have a read through the criteria to start planning your year ahead. School-Games-Mark-Criteria-2017-18

Active Maths Course

On Wednesday 27th September there will be a FREE Active Maths CPD session at Saughall All Saints CE Primary School from 1.30 – 4pm. Full details are on the CPD page of the website,...

Sports Awards Evening

Congratulations to all the Sports Awards nominees and winners for 2016-2017. We had an amazing evening with guest speaker Rachel Smith who has rowed the Atlantic Ocean, and Saughall All Saints Dance Squad who...

Chester SSP Sports Awards

Nominations are now being sought for the 1st Chester School Sport Partnership Sports Awards evening. This is the ideal opportunity to give pupils and schools the recognition they deserve for their hard work, commitment...